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Cumulative Returns (%)
Average Annual Total Returns (%)
Fund Notes
Fund #
Asset Class
1 Mo
3 Mo
1 Yr
3 Yr
5 Yr
10 Yr
Net Exp %
Gross Exp %
Stable Value Fund
1899 XXXYY Stability of Principal 2.13 2.9 11.64 18.99 3.44 12.47 10.93
0.42 0.42
1713 XXXYY Bonds 0.14 8.23 3.17 0.47 1.56 8.31 9.8
1.05 1.05
Conservative Asset Allocation Fund
2998 XXXYY Asset Allocation 0.28 1.37 8.03 12.69 4.51 5.66 7.24
0.89 0.89
Moderate Asset Allocation Fund
6380 XXXYY Asset Allocation 0.52 4.75 3.2 6.54 3.48 6.2 7.08
0.69 0.69
Aggressive Asset Allocation Fund
3423 XXXYY Asset Allocation 0.92 1.37 3.1 9.97 2.73 4.22 4.26
0.75 0.77
Large Company Fund
2871 XXXYY Balanced 4.02 3.43 14.69 23.95 6.43 13.88 13.13
0.55 0.55
Small Company Fund
1248 XXXYY Small/Mid/Specialty 2.17 3.71 0.56 9.37 0.11 5.29 5.67
1.00 1.03
International Fund
9778 XXXYY Global / International 2.1 3.18 2.39 7.02 0.59 4.22 3.47
0.81 0.81
Variable annuities and mutual funds offered through a retirement plan are intended as long-term investments designed for retirement purposes. Money distributed from a 403(b) plan, 401(a)/(k) plan, or a 457 plan will be taxed as ordinary income in the year the money is distributed. Early withdrawals from a 403(b) plan and a 401(a)/(k) plan, if taken prior to age 59 1/2, will be subject to the IRS 10% premature distribution penalty tax, unless an exception applies. This IRS premature distribution penalty tax does not apply to 457 plans. Account values fluctuate with market conditions, and when surrendered the principal may be worth more or less than the original amount invested.
The performance data quoted represents past performance. Past performance does not guarantee future results. For month-end performance which may be lower or higher than the performance data shown please call 800-584-6001. Investment return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate so that, when sold, an investment may be worth more or less than the original cost.
The returns assume reinvestment of all dividends (ordinary income and capital gains) and are net of management fees and other fund operating expenses.
You should consider the investment objectives, risks and charges, and expenses of the funds carefully before investing. The prospectus contains this and other information. Anyone who wishes to obtain a free copy of the fund prospectuses may call their Voya representative or the number above. Please read the prospectus carefully before investing.
Returns less than one year are not annualized. Fund Inception Date is the date of inception for the underlying fund, and is the date used in calculating the periodic returns. This date may also precede the portfolio's inclusion in the product.
Additional Notes
The risks of investing in small company stocks may include relatively low trading volumes, a greater degree of change in earnings and greater short-term volatility.
Foreign investing involves special risks such as currency fluctuation and public disclosure, as well as economic and political risks.
Some of the Funds invest in securities guaranteed by the U.S. Government as to the timely payment of principal and interest; however, shares of the Funds are not insured nor guaranteed.
High yielding fixed-income securities generally are subject to greater market fluctuations and risks of loss of income and principal than are investments in lower yielding fixed-income securities.
Sector funds may involve greater-than average risk and are often more volatile than funds holding a diversified portfolio of stocks in many industries. Examples include: banking, biotechnology, chemicals, energy, environmental services, natural resources, precious metals, technology, telecommunications, and utilities.
*The Gross Expense Ratios shown do not reflect temporary fee or expense waivers that may be in effect for a fund. The Net Expense Ratios reflect any applicable temporary fee or expense waivers. The performance of a fund with a temporary fee or expense waiver would have been lower if the gross fund fees/expenses listed had been reflected.
Fund Notes  --
Fund #  1899
Ticker  XXXYY!---->
Asset Class  Global / International
Cumulative Returns (%) - 1 Mo  2.13
Cumulative Returns (%) - 3 Mo  2.9
Cumulative Returns (%) - YTD  11.64
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 1 Yr  18.99
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 3 Yr  3.44
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 5 Yr  12.47
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 10 Yr  10.93
Net Exp %  0.42
Gross Exp %  0.42
Fund Notes  --
Fund #  1713
Ticker  XXXYY
Asset Class  Small/Mid/Specialty
Cumulative Returns (%) - 1 Mo  0.14
Cumulative Returns (%) - 3 Mo  -8.23
Cumulative Returns (%) - YTD  -3.17
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 1 Yr  0.47
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 3 Yr  -1.56
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 5 Yr  8.31
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 10 Yr  9.8
Net Exp %  1.05
Gross Exp %  1.05
Fund Notes  --
Fund #  2998
Ticker  XXXYY
Asset Class  Small/Mid/Specialty
Cumulative Returns (%) - 1 Mo  -0.28
Cumulative Returns (%) - 3 Mo  -1.37
Cumulative Returns (%) - YTD  8.03
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 1 Yr  12.69
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 3 Yr  -4.51
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 5 Yr  5.66
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 10 Yr  7.24
Net Exp %  0.89
Gross Exp %  0.89
Fund Notes  --
Fund #  6380
Ticker  XXXYY
Asset Class  Large Cap Value/Blend
Cumulative Returns (%) - 1 Mo  -0.52
Cumulative Returns (%) - 3 Mo  -4.75
Cumulative Returns (%) - YTD  3.2
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 1 Yr  6.54
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 3 Yr  3.48
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 5 Yr  6.2
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 10 Yr  7.08
Net Exp %  0.69
Gross Exp %  0.69
Fund #  3423
Ticker  XXXYY
Asset Class  Bonds
Cumulative Returns (%) - 1 Mo  0.92
Cumulative Returns (%) - 3 Mo  1.37
Cumulative Returns (%) - YTD  3.1
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 1 Yr  9.97
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 3 Yr  2.73
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 5 Yr  4.22
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 10 Yr  4.26
Net Exp %  0.75
Gross Exp %  0.77
Fund Notes  --
Fund #  2871
Ticker  XXXYY
Asset Class  Large Cap Growth
Cumulative Returns (%) - 1 Mo  4.02
Cumulative Returns (%) - 3 Mo  3.43
Cumulative Returns (%) - YTD  14.69
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 1 Yr  23.95
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 3 Yr  6.43
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 5 Yr  13.88
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 10 Yr  13.13
Net Exp %  0.55
Gross Exp %  0.55
Fund #  1248
Ticker  XXXYY
Asset Class  Small/Mid/Specialty
Cumulative Returns (%) - 1 Mo  -2.17
Cumulative Returns (%) - 3 Mo  -3.71
Cumulative Returns (%) - YTD  -0.56
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 1 Yr  9.37
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 3 Yr  -0.11
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 5 Yr  5.29
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 10 Yr  5.67
Net Exp %  1.00
Gross Exp %  1.03
Fund Notes  Fund Notes (1)
Lazard International Strategic Equity Port - Institutional: Excluding Acquired Fund Fees and Expenses, the Total Annual Portfolio Operating Expenses After Fee Waiver and Expense Reimbursement are .81%.
Fund #  9778
Ticker  XXXYY
Asset Class  Global / International
Cumulative Returns (%) - 1 Mo  -2.1
Cumulative Returns (%) - 3 Mo  -3.18
Cumulative Returns (%) - YTD  2.39
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 1 Yr  7.02
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 3 Yr  -0.59
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 5 Yr  4.22
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 10 Yr  3.47
Net Exp %  0.81
Gross Exp %  0.81
Fund Notes  --
Fund #  1410
Ticker  XXXYY
Asset Class  Large Cap Growth
Cumulative Returns (%) - 1 Mo  7.54
Cumulative Returns (%) - 3 Mo  6.92
Cumulative Returns (%) - YTD  20.97
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 1 Yr  37.87
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 3 Yr  9.58
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 5 Yr  17.24
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 10 Yr  15.33
Net Exp %  0.73
Gross Exp %  0.73
Fund Notes  --
Fund #  544
Asset Class  Bonds
Cumulative Returns (%) - 1 Mo  0.84
Cumulative Returns (%) - 3 Mo  0.38
Cumulative Returns (%) - YTD  0.37
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 1 Yr  4.34
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 3 Yr  -2.79
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 5 Yr  0.2
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 10 Yr  1.6
Net Exp %  0.49
Gross Exp %  0.49
Fund Notes  Fund Notes (1)
T.Rowe Price Funds: This fund provides a simplified option for retirement investing including professional management, broad-based diversification, and low-cost management fees. The principal value of the Retirement Funds is not guaranteed at any time, including at or after the target date, which is the approximate date when investors turn age 65. The funds invest in a broad range of underlying mutual funds that include stocks, bonds, and short-term investments and are subject to the risks of different areas of the market. The funds emphasize potential capital appreciation during the early phases of retirement asset accumulation, balance the need for appreciation with the need for income as retirement approaches, and focus more on income and principal stability during retirement. The funds maintain a substantial allocation to equities both prior to and after the target date, which can result in greater volatility. In general, the stock portion of the portfolio is subject to market risk, or falling share prices. The bond portion will be affected by interest rate and credit risk.
Fund #  9082
Ticker  XXXYY
Asset Class  Asset Allocation
Cumulative Returns (%) - 1 Mo  0.84
Cumulative Returns (%) - 3 Mo  1.01
Cumulative Returns (%) - YTD  4.69
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 1 Yr  10.11
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 3 Yr  1.13
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 5 Yr  4.96
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 10 Yr  4.68
Net Exp %  0.49
Gross Exp %  0.49
Fund Notes  Fund Notes (1)
T.Rowe Price Funds: This fund provides a simplified option for retirement investing including professional management, broad-based diversification, and low-cost management fees. The principal value of the Retirement Funds is not guaranteed at any time, including at or after the target date, which is the approximate date when investors turn age 65. The funds invest in a broad range of underlying mutual funds that include stocks, bonds, and short-term investments and are subject to the risks of different areas of the market. The funds emphasize potential capital appreciation during the early phases of retirement asset accumulation, balance the need for appreciation with the need for income as retirement approaches, and focus more on income and principal stability during retirement. The funds maintain a substantial allocation to equities both prior to and after the target date, which can result in greater volatility. In general, the stock portion of the portfolio is subject to market risk, or falling share prices. The bond portion will be affected by interest rate and credit risk.
Fund #  1684
Ticker  XXXYY
Asset Class  Asset Allocation
Cumulative Returns (%) - 1 Mo  0.86
Cumulative Returns (%) - 3 Mo  1.06
Cumulative Returns (%) - YTD  5.02
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 1 Yr  10.57
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 3 Yr  1.31
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 5 Yr  5.37
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 10 Yr  5.05
Net Exp %  0.49
Gross Exp %  0.49
Fund Notes  Fund Notes (1)
T.Rowe Price Funds: This fund provides a simplified option for retirement investing including professional management, broad-based diversification, and low-cost management fees. The principal value of the Retirement Funds is not guaranteed at any time, including at or after the target date, which is the approximate date when investors turn age 65. The funds invest in a broad range of underlying mutual funds that include stocks, bonds, and short-term investments and are subject to the risks of different areas of the market. The funds emphasize potential capital appreciation during the early phases of retirement asset accumulation, balance the need for appreciation with the need for income as retirement approaches, and focus more on income and principal stability during retirement. The funds maintain a substantial allocation to equities both prior to and after the target date, which can result in greater volatility. In general, the stock portion of the portfolio is subject to market risk, or falling share prices. The bond portion will be affected by interest rate and credit risk.
Fund #  1685
Ticker  XXXYY
Asset Class  Asset Allocation
Cumulative Returns (%) - 1 Mo  0.88
Cumulative Returns (%) - 3 Mo  1.12
Cumulative Returns (%) - YTD  5.32
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 1 Yr  11.08
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 3 Yr  1.53
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 5 Yr  5.83
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 10 Yr  5.52
Net Exp %  0.50
Gross Exp %  0.50
Fund Notes  Fund Notes (1)
T.Rowe Price Funds: This fund provides a simplified option for retirement investing including professional management, broad-based diversification, and low-cost management fees. The principal value of the Retirement Funds is not guaranteed at any time, including at or after the target date, which is the approximate date when investors turn age 65. The funds invest in a broad range of underlying mutual funds that include stocks, bonds, and short-term investments and are subject to the risks of different areas of the market. The funds emphasize potential capital appreciation during the early phases of retirement asset accumulation, balance the need for appreciation with the need for income as retirement approaches, and focus more on income and principal stability during retirement. The funds maintain a substantial allocation to equities both prior to and after the target date, which can result in greater volatility. In general, the stock portion of the portfolio is subject to market risk, or falling share prices. The bond portion will be affected by interest rate and credit risk.
Fund #  1686
Ticker  XXXYY
Asset Class  Asset Allocation
Cumulative Returns (%) - 1 Mo  0.86
Cumulative Returns (%) - 3 Mo  1.08
Cumulative Returns (%) - YTD  5.57
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 1 Yr  11.33
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 3 Yr  1.62
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 5 Yr  6.26
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 10 Yr  6.03
Net Exp %  0.53
Gross Exp %  0.53
Fund Notes  Fund Notes (1)
T.Rowe Price Funds: This fund provides a simplified option for retirement investing including professional management, broad-based diversification, and low-cost management fees. The principal value of the Retirement Funds is not guaranteed at any time, including at or after the target date, which is the approximate date when investors turn age 65. The funds invest in a broad range of underlying mutual funds that include stocks, bonds, and short-term investments and are subject to the risks of different areas of the market. The funds emphasize potential capital appreciation during the early phases of retirement asset accumulation, balance the need for appreciation with the need for income as retirement approaches, and focus more on income and principal stability during retirement. The funds maintain a substantial allocation to equities both prior to and after the target date, which can result in greater volatility. In general, the stock portion of the portfolio is subject to market risk, or falling share prices. The bond portion will be affected by interest rate and credit risk.
Fund #  1687
Ticker  XXXYY
Asset Class  Asset Allocation
Cumulative Returns (%) - 1 Mo  0.91
Cumulative Returns (%) - 3 Mo  1.09
Cumulative Returns (%) - YTD  6.05
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 1 Yr  12.14
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 3 Yr  1.8
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 5 Yr  6.96
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 10 Yr  6.61
Net Exp %  0.54
Gross Exp %  0.54
Fund Notes  Fund Notes (1)
T.Rowe Price Funds: This fund provides a simplified option for retirement investing including professional management, broad-based diversification, and low-cost management fees. The principal value of the Retirement Funds is not guaranteed at any time, including at or after the target date, which is the approximate date when investors turn age 65. The funds invest in a broad range of underlying mutual funds that include stocks, bonds, and short-term investments and are subject to the risks of different areas of the market. The funds emphasize potential capital appreciation during the early phases of retirement asset accumulation, balance the need for appreciation with the need for income as retirement approaches, and focus more on income and principal stability during retirement. The funds maintain a substantial allocation to equities both prior to and after the target date, which can result in greater volatility. In general, the stock portion of the portfolio is subject to market risk, or falling share prices. The bond portion will be affected by interest rate and credit risk.
Fund #  1688
Ticker  XXXYY
Asset Class  Asset Allocation
Cumulative Returns (%) - 1 Mo  0.91
Cumulative Returns (%) - 3 Mo  1.11
Cumulative Returns (%) - YTD  6.93
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 1 Yr  13.51
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 3 Yr  2.16
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 5 Yr  7.75
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 10 Yr  7.22
Net Exp %  0.57
Gross Exp %  0.57
Fund Notes  Fund Notes (1)
T.Rowe Price Funds: This fund provides a simplified option for retirement investing including professional management, broad-based diversification, and low-cost management fees. The principal value of the Retirement Funds is not guaranteed at any time, including at or after the target date, which is the approximate date when investors turn age 65. The funds invest in a broad range of underlying mutual funds that include stocks, bonds, and short-term investments and are subject to the risks of different areas of the market. The funds emphasize potential capital appreciation during the early phases of retirement asset accumulation, balance the need for appreciation with the need for income as retirement approaches, and focus more on income and principal stability during retirement. The funds maintain a substantial allocation to equities both prior to and after the target date, which can result in greater volatility. In general, the stock portion of the portfolio is subject to market risk, or falling share prices. The bond portion will be affected by interest rate and credit risk.
Fund #  1689
Ticker  XXXYY
Asset Class  Asset Allocation
Cumulative Returns (%) - 1 Mo  0.92
Cumulative Returns (%) - 3 Mo  1.17
Cumulative Returns (%) - YTD  8.05
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 1 Yr  15.12
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 3 Yr  2.68
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 5 Yr  8.59
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 10 Yr  7.78
Net Exp %  0.59
Gross Exp %  0.59
Fund Notes  Fund Notes (1)
T.Rowe Price Funds: This fund provides a simplified option for retirement investing including professional management, broad-based diversification, and low-cost management fees. The principal value of the Retirement Funds is not guaranteed at any time, including at or after the target date, which is the approximate date when investors turn age 65. The funds invest in a broad range of underlying mutual funds that include stocks, bonds, and short-term investments and are subject to the risks of different areas of the market. The funds emphasize potential capital appreciation during the early phases of retirement asset accumulation, balance the need for appreciation with the need for income as retirement approaches, and focus more on income and principal stability during retirement. The funds maintain a substantial allocation to equities both prior to and after the target date, which can result in greater volatility. In general, the stock portion of the portfolio is subject to market risk, or falling share prices. The bond portion will be affected by interest rate and credit risk.
Fund #  1690
Ticker  XXXYY
Asset Class  Asset Allocation
Cumulative Returns (%) - 1 Mo  0.97
Cumulative Returns (%) - 3 Mo  1.28
Cumulative Returns (%) - YTD  9.05
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 1 Yr  16.55
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 3 Yr  3.12
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 5 Yr  9.33
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 10 Yr  8.26
Net Exp %  0.60
Gross Exp %  0.60
Fund Notes  Fund Notes (1)
T.Rowe Price Funds: This fund provides a simplified option for retirement investing including professional management, broad-based diversification, and low-cost management fees. The principal value of the Retirement Funds is not guaranteed at any time, including at or after the target date, which is the approximate date when investors turn age 65. The funds invest in a broad range of underlying mutual funds that include stocks, bonds, and short-term investments and are subject to the risks of different areas of the market. The funds emphasize potential capital appreciation during the early phases of retirement asset accumulation, balance the need for appreciation with the need for income as retirement approaches, and focus more on income and principal stability during retirement. The funds maintain a substantial allocation to equities both prior to and after the target date, which can result in greater volatility. In general, the stock portion of the portfolio is subject to market risk, or falling share prices. The bond portion will be affected by interest rate and credit risk.
Fund #  1691
Ticker  XXXYY
Asset Class  Asset Allocation
Cumulative Returns (%) - 1 Mo  1.02
Cumulative Returns (%) - 3 Mo  1.39
Cumulative Returns (%) - YTD  9.69
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 1 Yr  17.44
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 3 Yr  3.53
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 5 Yr  9.88
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 10 Yr  8.58
Net Exp %  0.62
Gross Exp %  0.62
Fund Notes  Fund Notes (1)
T.Rowe Price Funds: This fund provides a simplified option for retirement investing including professional management, broad-based diversification, and low-cost management fees. The principal value of the Retirement Funds is not guaranteed at any time, including at or after the target date, which is the approximate date when investors turn age 65. The funds invest in a broad range of underlying mutual funds that include stocks, bonds, and short-term investments and are subject to the risks of different areas of the market. The funds emphasize potential capital appreciation during the early phases of retirement asset accumulation, balance the need for appreciation with the need for income as retirement approaches, and focus more on income and principal stability during retirement. The funds maintain a substantial allocation to equities both prior to and after the target date, which can result in greater volatility. In general, the stock portion of the portfolio is subject to market risk, or falling share prices. The bond portion will be affected by interest rate and credit risk.
Fund #  1692
Ticker  XXXYY
Asset Class  Asset Allocation
Cumulative Returns (%) - 1 Mo  0.98
Cumulative Returns (%) - 3 Mo  1.42
Cumulative Returns (%) - YTD  9.88
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 1 Yr  17.81
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 3 Yr  3.69
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 5 Yr  9.98
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 10 Yr  8.63
Net Exp %  0.63
Gross Exp %  0.63
Fund Notes  Fund Notes (1)
T.Rowe Price Funds: This fund provides a simplified option for retirement investing including professional management, broad-based diversification, and low-cost management fees. The principal value of the Retirement Funds is not guaranteed at any time, including at or after the target date, which is the approximate date when investors turn age 65. The funds invest in a broad range of underlying mutual funds that include stocks, bonds, and short-term investments and are subject to the risks of different areas of the market. The funds emphasize potential capital appreciation during the early phases of retirement asset accumulation, balance the need for appreciation with the need for income as retirement approaches, and focus more on income and principal stability during retirement. The funds maintain a substantial allocation to equities both prior to and after the target date, which can result in greater volatility. In general, the stock portion of the portfolio is subject to market risk, or falling share prices. The bond portion will be affected by interest rate and credit risk.
Fund #  1693
Ticker  XXXYY
Asset Class  Asset Allocation
Cumulative Returns (%) - 1 Mo  0.98
Cumulative Returns (%) - 3 Mo  1.41
Cumulative Returns (%) - YTD  9.93
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 1 Yr  17.88
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 3 Yr  3.66
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 5 Yr  9.95
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 10 Yr  8.61
Net Exp %  0.64
Gross Exp %  0.64
Fund Notes  --
Fund #  1694
Ticker  XXXYY
Asset Class  Balanced
Cumulative Returns (%) - 1 Mo  0.83
Cumulative Returns (%) - 3 Mo  1.06
Cumulative Returns (%) - YTD  4.62
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 1 Yr  9.88
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 3 Yr  1.16
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 5 Yr  5.11
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 10 Yr  4.68
Net Exp %  0.49
Gross Exp %  0.49
Fund Notes  --
Fund #  899
Asset Class  Large Cap Value/Blend
Cumulative Returns (%) - 1 Mo  3.58
Cumulative Returns (%) - 3 Mo  4.27
Cumulative Returns (%) - YTD  15.27
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 1 Yr  24.51
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 3 Yr  9.97
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 5 Yr  15.0
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 10 Yr  12.82
Net Exp %  0.04
Gross Exp %  0.04
Fund Notes  --
Fund #  756
Asset Class  Small/Mid/Specialty
Cumulative Returns (%) - 1 Mo  -0.62
Cumulative Returns (%) - 3 Mo  -2.75
Cumulative Returns (%) - YTD  4.9
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 1 Yr  11.8
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 3 Yr  2.21
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 5 Yr  9.38
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 10 Yr  9.1
Net Exp %  0.05
Gross Exp %  0.05
Fund Notes  --
Fund #  757
Asset Class  Small/Mid/Specialty
Cumulative Returns (%) - 1 Mo  -1.34
Cumulative Returns (%) - 3 Mo  -4.14
Cumulative Returns (%) - YTD  3.07
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 1 Yr  11.5
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 3 Yr  0.5
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 5 Yr  8.45
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 10 Yr  8.08
Net Exp %  0.05
Gross Exp %  0.05
Fund Notes  --
Fund #  3417
Ticker  XXXYY
Asset Class  Small/Mid/Specialty
Cumulative Returns (%) - 1 Mo  -1.6
Cumulative Returns (%) - 3 Mo  -4.13
Cumulative Returns (%) - YTD  4.7
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 1 Yr  11.06
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 3 Yr  6.53
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 5 Yr  11.66
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 10 Yr  10.62
Net Exp %  0.58
Gross Exp %  0.58
Fund Notes  Fund Notes (1)
Virtus NFJ Dividend Value Fund - Institutional Class: The fund's investment adviser has contractually agreed to limit the fund's total operating expenses (excluding certain expenses, such as front-end or contingent deferred sales charges, taxes, leverage and borrowing expenses (such as commitment, amendment and renewal expenses on credit or redemption facilities), interest, brokerage commissions, expenses incurred in connection with any merger or reorganization, unusual or infrequently occurring expenses (such as litigation), acquired fund fees and expenses, and dividend expenses, if any) so that such expenses do not exceed 0.70% for Institutional Class Shares through October 31, 2024. Following the contractual period, the adviser may discontinue these expense reimbursement arrangements at any time. Under certain conditions, the adviser may recapture operating expenses reimbursed and/or fees waived under these arrangements for a period of three years following the date such waiver or reimbursement occurred, provided that the recapture does not cause the fund to exceed its expense limit in effect at the time of the waiver or reimbursement, and any in effect at the time of recapture, after repayment is taken into account.
Fund #  1205
Ticker  XXXYY
Asset Class  Large Cap Value/Blend
Cumulative Returns (%) - 1 Mo  -1.04
Cumulative Returns (%) - 3 Mo  -3.18
Cumulative Returns (%) - YTD  -0.02
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 1 Yr  11.81
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 3 Yr  5.07
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 5 Yr  7.35
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 10 Yr  6.3
Net Exp %  0.70
Gross Exp %  0.74
Fund Notes  Fund Notes (2)
The Investment Option is neither a mutual fund nor part of a Separate Account. The returns listed do not include the impact of contract charges. Please refer to the contract or disclosure book to determine which Fixed Interest Options are available for your specific plan. The Investment Option is offered through Voya Retirement Insurance and Annuity Company.
The current rate for the Voya Fixed Account MC 947, Fund 1414 is 3.00%, expressed as an annual effective yield. The current rate may change and be higher or lower than the previously identified rate but is guaranteed not to be less than the calendar year floor rate of 3.00%, which will not change through 12/31/2024. In addition, the current rate is guaranteed not to be less than the Guaranteed Minimum Interest Rate of 3.00%. VRIAC will not apply a decrease to the current rate following a rate change initiated solely by us prior to the last day of the three-month period measured from the first day of the month in which such change was effective. Note: The current rate for an initial investment in the fixed account previously identified may be in effect for less than a full three-month period. Guarantees are based on the claims-paying ability of Voya Retirement Insurance and Annuity Company.
Fund #  1414
Asset Class  Stability of Principal
Cumulative Returns (%) - 1 Mo  0.24
Cumulative Returns (%) - 3 Mo  0.74
Cumulative Returns (%) - YTD  1.48
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 1 Yr  3.0
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 3 Yr  3.0
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 5 Yr  3.0
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 10 Yr  3.0
Net Exp %  N/A
Gross Exp %  N/A
Fund Notes  Fund Notes (1)
Voya MidCap Opportunities Fund - Class I: Voya Investments, LLC (the "Investment Adviser") is contractually obligated to limit expenses to 0.98% for Class I shares through October 1, 2024. This limitation is subject to possible recoupment by the Investment Adviser within 36 months of the waiver or reimbursement. The amount of the recoupment is limited to the lesser of the amounts that would be recoupable under: (i) the expense limitation in effect at the time of the waiver or reimbursement; or (ii) the expense limitation in effect at the time of recoupment. In addition, the Investment Adviser is contractually obligated to further limit expenses to 0.93% for Class I shares through October 1, 2024. The limitations do not extend to interest, taxes, investment-related costs, leverage expenses, extraordinary expenses, and Acquired Fund Fees and Expenses. Termination or modification of these obligations requires approval by the Fund's Board of Trustees (the "Board").
Fund #  2224
Ticker  XXXYY
Asset Class  Small/Mid/Specialty
Cumulative Returns (%) - 1 Mo  1.04
Cumulative Returns (%) - 3 Mo  -3.94
Cumulative Returns (%) - YTD  5.8
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 1 Yr  12.8
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 3 Yr  -0.29
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 5 Yr  10.31
Average Annual Total Returns (%) - 10 Yr  10.06
Net Exp %  0.93
Gross Exp %  1.02
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Run Date
Report Name
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02/08/20YY Plan Admin Report: Ad hoc Plan Administration 02/01/20YY - 02/07/20YY
02/08/20YY Participant Balances Participant Reports 02/07/20YY
02/08/20YY Participant Census Report Participant Reports 02/07/20YY
02/08/20YY Participant Vesting Participant Reports 01/31/20YY
02/08/20YY Participant Balance by Source Participant Reports 02/07/20YY
02/08/20YY Loans - Current Balances Loan & Distribution 02/07/20YY
02/08/20YY Excessive Traders Plan Administration 02/07/20YY
Run Date02/08/20YY
Report Name Plan Admin Report: Ad hoc
CategoryPlan Administration
Report Period02/01/20YY - 02/07/20YY
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Run Date02/08/20YY
Report Name Participant Balances
CategoryParticipant Reports
Report Period02/07/20YY
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Run Date02/08/20YY
Report Name Participant Census Report
CategoryParticipant Reports
Report Period02/07/20YY
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Run Date02/08/20YY
Report Name Participant Vesting
CategoryParticipant Reports
Report Period01/31/20YY
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Run Date02/08/20YY
Report Name Participant Balance by Source
CategoryParticipant Reports
Report Period02/07/20YY
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Run Date02/08/20YY
Report Name Loans - Current Balances
CategoryLoan & Distribution
Report Period02/07/20YY
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Run Date02/08/20YY
Report Name Excessive Traders
CategoryPlan Administration
Report Period02/07/20YY
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