Fixed Interest Option Information
Depending on your contract, you may have either the Fixed Account and/or a version of the Fixed Plus Account available.
The Fixed Account Window percentage, which limits the amount that may be transferred out of the Fixed Account to other contract investment options under most contracts, is currently 100%. This percentage is subject to change at any time without prior notice. Different restrictions may apply if Voya does not maintain individual accounts for plan participants or if your contract uses an Equity Wash Restriction regarding transfers to and from the Fixed Account. Please review your contract disclosure material for the specific terms impacting Fixed Account transfers.
Similar to the Fixed Account Window, the Fixed Plus Accounts have a Partial Withdrawal and Transfer Limit of 20%, which limits the amount that may be transferred out of the Fixed Plus Accounts to other contract investments. Different restrictions may apply to transfers to and from the Fixed Plus III Account, if you elected the Equity Wash Option. Please review your contract disclosure material for the specific terms impacting Fixed Plus Account transfers.