Terms and ConditionsWhenever "we", "our" or "us" is used in the Agreement, it means Voya Retirement Insurance and Annuity Company in connection with the permission based security services offered through the Voya Plan Sponsor Web site. Whenever "you" or "your" is used in this Agreement, it means the designated Primary Contact.
In the role of Primary Contact for purposes of managing and maintaining Plan Sponsor Web site User Access, you are solely responsible for activating, deactivating, and changing an individual’s user Access Type and Permission to the Plan Sponsor Web site through this site. If you do not have access to the site or your access is interrupted, you may request a user maintenance form by submitting formal written request to your Voya Plan Manger. You may submit the completed form in good order to your Voya Plan Manager. Your request will be processed promptly, but may take more time than a web site submission. A written request shall also be deemed an acceptance of the following terms and conditions.
The Plan Sponsor Web site USER ACCESS capability enables you, as the Primary Contact, to assume the responsibility for assigning and controlling appropriate access and permission to your Plan as presented by the Plan Sponsor Web Site, e.g., define who within the Sponsor’s organization has a business need to access the Plan Sponsor Web Site. Additionally, you will determine and authenticate the specific web site functionality for each authorized individual who registers in the Plan Sponsor Web Site. Functionality is subject to change and update; your plan sponsor will be notified upon such changes. You will periodically review the list of persons authorized along with their permissions. Permissions control access to specific web site functionality.
Listed below are the access types, permissions and associated functionality (some or all of the functionality may be available to your plan):
PLAN INQUIRY: View plan level financials (assets, plan balance), usage reports, publications, forms and other plan related information as well as set / change mail delivery preferences. Mail Delivery Preferences is not applicable to all plans.
PLAN UPDATE: Plan Inquiry functionality and in addition, the ability to update plan-specific information. Update capability may not be available for all plans.
NO ACCESS TO PLAN INFORMATION: User does not have the ability to view and / or update plan level information.
ACCESS TO PARTICIPANT INFORMATION: User has ability to view all participants in a plan and their account information, including access to Voya's participant website. User also has access to view participant level reports, including actionable reports. These users will receive e-mail notification when actionable reports are generated. List all participants for a plan and view their account information.
NO ACCESS TO PARTICIPANT INFORMATION: User does not have the above capability
ACCESS TO PAYROLL INFORMATION: Submit contributions and other files for processing.
NO ACCESS TO PAYROLL INFORMATION: User does not have the ability to submit contributions and other files for processing.
ADMINISTRATIVE RIGHTS-YES: Authorizes / controls access to the Voya Plan Sponsor Web site.
ADMINISTRATIVE RIGHTS-NO: User does not have the ability to authorize / control access to the Voya Plan Sponsor Web site.
You understand and agree that, in connection with the administrative services to be performed by us, you will have Sponsor Web site access to information regarding Plan participant accounts; the capacity to update participant and Plan information and initiate or complete participant transactions ("Access/Transactional Capability"), as such capabilities are available.
You acknowledge that you recognize the sensitive and confidential nature of information relating to Plan participant accounts and fully accept the responsibility to safeguard against the unauthorized or inappropriate use of Access/Transactional Capability or disclosure of information regarding Plan participant accounts. Further, you herebyrepresent to us that you will instruct all individuals who may gain Access/Transactional Capability that such Capability shall be used solely to carry out appropriate responsibilities related to the administration and oversight of the Plan, and shall not be copied, shared, discussed or otherwise disclosed, through any medium or with any person, except to the extent necessary to carry out such responsibilities.
You understand and agree that we may modify, restrict, or discontinue providing you Access/Transactional Capability at any time, without prior notice, for any reason including, but not limited to, compliance with any federal or state privacy law, regulation or ruling, or any VRIAC Policy.
You agree that, at your own cost and expense, and as allowed by law, you will defend, indemnify and hold harmless Voya and its employees, officers, directors, agents and affiliates against any and all claims, actions, demands or suits made or broughtby any person or persons, and any and all liabilities, losses, costs, damages and expenses, specifically including, but not limited to, attorneys' fees and related costs, which may in any way arise or result from or relate to the services provided or contemplated under this Agreement, provided that you shall not be liable for any claims or demands based upon the negligence or willful misconduct of VRIAC.
Your obligations under this paragraph shall survive the termination of this Agreement.
By accepting these terms and conditions you agree to review the access types and permissions on the web site prior to authorizing access to other users.