Tools and Calculators
These calculators can make the decision-making process easier by helping you figure out where you stand now–and where you'd like to end up in the future–so you can invest more wisely today.
Click on the links to the left to make your calculations. Once you've done the math, you'll be better prepared to put your money to work.
Budget Calculator – Keep your spending–and your savings–on track! Using this tool, you can create a personalized budget for your needs, wants and savings. You'll find that setting up a monthly budget can impact the way you save and help you better prepare for your financial future.
College Savings Calculator – How much might you need for college? With just a few pieces of information, this tool will help identify the potential costs of sending one or more children through college. The sooner you start saving, the better you can prepare for these costs.
Traditional vs. Roth 401k / 403b / 457b Calculator – Is a Traditional (pre-tax) or a Roth (after-tax) retirement account right for you? This tool compares the hypothetical results of investing in a Traditional (pre-tax) and a Roth (after-tax) retirement plan. Whether you participate in a 403(b) or 457(b) program, this analysis will assist you in determining which option may be best for you based on your personal financial situation. Keep in mind that there may be other factors—not included in this analysis–to consider.
Retirement Plan Loan Calculator – Considering taking a loan from your plan? This calculator can help you determine, based on the loan permitted under your plan, how much of a loan you can afford and what your monthly payments might be.