
Plan Investment Chart as of January 1, YYYY

Balances as of January 1, YYYY

To better understand the investment option information provided to you, please carefully review this additional information about types of investment risks and glossary of terms and statistics found on the fund fact sheets. Documentation will also provide instructions about how to obtain any underlying fund prospectus.

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Fund Name # of Units Unit Price Fund Balance % of Balance
Bond Fund 820.8773 $11.004128 $9,033.00 8.93%
Large Company Fund 301.3669 $33.662866 $10,144.88 10.03%
Small Company Fund 1,095.9172 $24.851102 $10,144.88 26.93%
International Index Fund 1,451.2396 $11.808994 $17,137.68 16.94%
Company Stock 381.9635 $54.975566 $20,998.66 20.76%
Self Managed Account $16,599.30 16.41%
Total     $101,148.27 100.00%

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