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Let Morningstar Investment Management LLC determine your rating

Please answer a few questions about yourself...
Do you enjoy managing your portfolio?
Do you read material on investing?
Do you know your asset allocation?
Have you rebalanced your portfolio in the last year?
If you answered No to any of these questions, Morningstar Investment Management LLC advice services could be right for you
Morningstar Investment Management LLC has two services that are available, you determine which fits your needs:

What will you get from Managed My Plan Manually?

You receive recommendations so that you can manage your account yourself.
  • A personalized asset allocation strategy.
  • Investment selections based on plan availability.

What will you get from Morningstar Manage My Plan?

The investment professionals at Morningstar Investment Management LLC will manage your account for you.
  • A personalized asset allocation strategy.
  • Investment selections based on plan availability.
  • Regular account rebalancing
  • Ongoing portfolio monitoring
  • Automatic portfolio changes
  • Quarterly progress reports

Who is Morningstar Investment Management LLC?

  • Morningstar Investment Management LLC is a registered investment advisor.
  • Wholly-owned subsidiary of Morningstar, Inc. - known for creating the five star fund rating system.
  • Known for independent, objective investment expertise.
  • Services available to more than 150,000 plans, including yours!
  • Accessible to more than 23 million participants.


IMPORTANT: The projections or other information generated by Morningstar® Retirement Manager regarding the likelihood of various retirement income and/or investment outcomes are hypothetical in nature, do not reflect actual results (including investment results) and are not guarantees of future results. Results may vary with each use and over time.

Annual Retirement Income Outlook considers such things as your asset mix and Morningstar Investment Management LLC's own forecasts for return, risks and correlation for various asset classes. The Expected Retirement Income noted within the tool is the amount the simulation has determined as having a 90% probability of being achieved.

Annual Retirement Income Goal is calculated by taking 70% of your projected salary at retirement, expressed in today's dollars. Your projected salary at retirement is determined by a proprietary salary growth curve and your projected social security benefits. Morningstar Investment Management LLC's salary growth curve assumes your salary will grow at rates that vary with your age. Projected social security benefit is based off of an algorithm supplied by the Social Security Administration.

Proposed Asset Mix is derived from various factors such as your years to retirement, your projected salary growth and results from an asset-liability analysis. The asset-liability analysis is an economic concept that is helpful in understanding your ability to withstand financial losses by incorporating a projected future stream of income into your current financial situation.

Morningstar Retirement Manager is provided by Morningstar Investment Management LLC ("Morningstar Investment Management"), a registered investment advisor and a wholly owned subsidiary of Morningstar, Inc., and is intended for citizens and legal residents of the United States and its territories. Morningstar Investment Management advisory service relates solely to the investment options offered under the plan. Retirement plan funding products are offered through Voya Financial Partners, LLC (member SIPC) or other broker dealers with which it has selling agreements. Voya Financial™ provides Morningstar Investment Management LLC with the plan's investment options and information about participants but the decisions regarding the advice provided are made by Morningstar Investment Management LLC. Voya™ and its companies are not affiliated with Morningstar Investment Management or its affiliates, and receive no fee or other direct financial benefits from Morningstar Investment Management in connection with the use of its services. The Morningstar name and trademarks are used under license from Morningstar, Inc.